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Our country is being left behind. As a nation we seem to be looking at a sticky note that is 20 years old and ignoring the projects that are due next week. One of the most important issues that we are overlooking is the reality of the impacts that globalization has had on our own economy, countries abroad and on the Earth itself. All of us need to realize the fact that there are no "American" corporations any more. Our "own" companies, who the republicans want to depend on to jump start our economy, do not care about American citizens anymore. As a nation we are no more than a market of overpaid workers to the corporations our freedoms have helped become powerful in the global market. This kind of attitude by the people who are supposed to be providing jobs is unacceptable. If we are to improve our own economy and to encourage jobs we have to make it clear that our corporations and corporations all over the world cannot exploit employees, and cannot take advantage of our country or any other country just to make a profit. We have to take control of the way the global market is run. Our country, our fellow nations and our home, Earth, needs us. As things are going right now, corporations have more rights than individuals in our own country, and more money and power than many governments across the globe. Abroad "American" companies have continually raped other nations just for their resources and profit and just to prop up the fake prosperity puppet show they have playing in the U.S. Our market has become theatre; playing to the emotions of the crowd to keep us watching, to keep us paying and to keep us waiting in anticipation for the next "hot" item, the next distraction. This kind of global rule cannot continue. We, as American citizens, must stand up together with our fellow human beings across the globe and take a stand for the rights we cherish at home. Our recession is nothing more than a symptom of a greater sickness that has been taking over the world ever since capitalism and free enterprise was given free reign over the global market and was allowed to exploit the rights of whole nations in order to support our own selfish desires. To create a stable, efficient and morally obligated global market we must take charge and change the rules. Profit cannot come before rights. Profit cannot come before personal freedoms. Profit cannot come before the poor, the sick and the hungry. Profit cannot come before our planet, our home. We must face the fact that we have limited global resources that should not and cannot be wasted on greedy money grabbing if we are to become a prosperous and sustainable planet of global and national citizens. How can you complain about gas prices one moment and then toss a plastic(made from OIL!) bottle in the ditch the next without realizing that you are doing nothing to help lower that cost and are in fact only adding to the problem? We cannot continue on in this way and still expect the quality of life that we have been borrowing(and in fact the trillions we are in debt proves just that) for the rest of our lives and the life of our country and planet. It is time to face the music of revolution. Our society is no longer limited to our borders, in fact, we might as well not even have borders. We must demand all the facts from our market, We must demand our rights and the rights of others, and, above all else, We must demand an intelligent and sustainable market that does not rape our people or our planet for its own personal gain. We have a future to live, do you want a clean and caring rule over our lives and the lives of your children or do you want a cancerous, exploitative and wasteful rule?

The manner in which we waste things that took millions of years to form in the first place is pathetic. We have brains, why the hell aren't we using them? The manner in which people are being treated both at home and abroad is atrocious. We have the people and the intelligence to make change happen, but too many of us are wasting precious moments of our lives on trivial novelties and gossip. Every second of your life is precious, make it count?

1 comment:

  1. Come on anonymous, make your voice heard? We need change and we need it now. Our planet is dying. Our people are being used. And all for what? Numbers. Pieces of pretend paper. Someone's greedy grab for power. I'm tired of it and I will not continue to sit here and listen to the morons on tv tell me that we are too stupid to see past the propaganda and too weak and scared to make real change happen.


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